Thursday, 6 January 2011

Day 3 Skiing at Sunday River

A very popular choice for the person most deserving to wear the shorts today, Miss Joyce reckons that she only fell over to stop and help someone in trouble but none of the pupils were buying this story, she even had members of the hotel staff attending the unvieling ceremony, these shorts are now becoming the talking point of the hotel staff.

The day started with a celebration of Harry's birthday, 10 years old. Harry is becoming a very popular member of the group with both the hotel and ski staff all wanting to adopt him, he has that ability to get grown ups running around after him, going out of their way to ensure that he has everything he needs, nice one Harry !!

Brilliant sunshine stayed with us all day on our 3rd day skiing with the temperature remaining low enough for the snow cannons to continue to produce snow, conditions were very good. The top group had the prospect of tackling some black runs and skiing back to the hotel at the end of the day. The other group were continuing to gain much experience on the many blue runs spread over the mountain. At the end of the day Mr King was bombarded with stories of crashes and incidents that might win the right to wear the shorts, voting will take place after dinner and could take some time!!!

Daniel had a few cold symptoms in the morning but still elected to ski, Mr King and Miss Joyce took him under their wing with a gentle ski with a hot chocolate half time stop, well done Daniel as he managed to ski the whole day, amazing what the promise of a hot chocolate can do.

During dinner we celebrated Harry's birthday with a chocolate cake, Harry disappeared up to his room with the majority of the cake and there was no sign of it later!!

After another group swim and hot tub Miss Joyce organised  a table tennis competition, there was some very competitive matches played with Alex and Ollie getting through to the final which will be played tomorrow evening. Pupils were also given a photographic challenge, with several tasks to complete during the evening, one being to get a photo with as many American people in the picture as they can, the girls seemed to be favourites having got a large number of young men to pose, with their clothes on I hasten to add.
All in bed again by 10.00pm


  1. Hi
    glad to know you are all having a great time. please let robin know he has a new cousin as auntie ty had a little girl today.
    hope you get lots more snow, wish i woz there!

  2. Happy Birthday Harry - that cake looks bigger than you!love Mum and dadxx
